Journalism in action

Military Reporters & Editors

A non-profit organization for journalists covering the military, national security and homeland defense.

*Enter the contest for free!

Apply for membership now to avoid contest entry delays, waiting for approval of your Media Membership application.

The Military Reporters & Editors’ prestigious annual awards contest will open up soon to honor the best-of-the-best journalists out there on the military, defense and national security beats.

Following our contest last year, the board of directors decided to update award categories to reflect the changes in news organizations, how news is disseminated globally, and how news is presented across expanding platforms and mediums.

We hope you will be pleased to see a variety of new categories representing modern news delivery and more clarification to some existing categories. We will ensure there is plenty of time to select and notify winners well ahead of the awards ceremony at the annual conference in Washington, D.C., in late October.

We are excited about these changes and look forward to a great contest this year.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

MRE in action for you

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Assures that journalists have access to places where the U.S. military and its allies operate.

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Advances public understanding of the military, national security and homeland defense.

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Represents the interests of working journalists to the government and military.

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Shares information on best journalism practices, tools and techniques.

Military Reporters and Editors is the leading organization for journalists covering national security.

MRE provides resources, support, and networking opportunities for its members, fostering excellence in journalism and promoting public understanding of military and national security affairs.

MRE Headlines

MRE in Action

MRE President Howard Altman speaks with NBC Nightly News.
NBC Nightly News Jan. 6, 2023 – U.S. official: Pentagon waited days to inform W.H. officials of defense secretary’s hospitalization

MRE President Howard Altman talks about the lack of information surrounding Secretary Austin’s hospitalization.

The Briefing Room

Email List

Military Reporters & Editors Pentagon press briefing

MRE Tip line

Submit Your News Directly to Military Reporters & Editors

Have a press release or looking for coverage of a military issue?

Send it our way.

MRE Supports Journalists

Asian American Journalists Association - AAJA
The Association of LGBTQ+ Journalists NLGJA
Committee to Protect Journalists - CPJ
International Federation of Journalists IFJ
Medill News Service Washington, DC - Northwestern University Journalism Graduate Program
Military Veterans in Journalism MVJ
National Association of Black Journalists - NABJ
National Association of Hispanic Journalists - NAHJ
The National Press Club
Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press -- RCFP
Reporters Without Borders -- RSF
Society of Professional Journalists - SPJ