Updated Sept. 16, 2014
The Pentagon’s new ethics adviser, Rear Adm. Margaret DeLuca “Peg” Klein, will give the keynote address at the 2014 Military Reporters & Editors Conference to be held Friday, Oct. 3, 2014 at The Army Navy Club, in downtown Washington, D.C.
Klein was named special adviser to the Secretary of Defense for military professionalism, earlier this year. As such, she reports directly to Defense Secretary, Chuck Hagel, on issues of military ethics, character, and leadership. She also works closely with members of the Joint Staff, combatant commands, and each of the military services to ensure the Defense Department remains focused on ethical issues at every level of command.
Klein’s experience includes command of Fleet Air Reconnaissance Squadron Three; Commander, Task Force 124 and Strategic Communications Wing One; and 82nd Commandant of Midshipmen at the U.S. Naval Academy. She commanded forward-deployed Expeditionary Strike Group Five as well as Task Force 64 providing strike assets during Operation Odyssey Dawn.
Klein’s staff assignments include Naval Air Forces, U.S. Atlantic Fleet; Naval Military Personnel Command; White House Military Office; Brookings Legislative Fellow for Sen. Olympia Snowe; operations director, Naval Network Warfare Command, Chief of Staff, U.S. Cyber Command; and most recently as Chief of Staff, J5, on the Joint Staff. She also has more than 4,500 flight hours in the EC-130 and the E-6. Her decorations include the Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit, Meritorious Service Medal, and other personal, unit, and campaign awards.
Other confirmed panels include:
- Women in Combat: breaking down the final barriers: Confirmed speakers include Marine Corps Lt. Col. Michael Samarov, plans officer, Marine Corps Force Innovation Office; and Army Col. Linda Sheimo, chief of the Command Programs and Policy Division at the Human Resources Policy Directorate, Army G-1.
- The WMD Threat: Laura Holgate, senior director for weapons of mass destruction terrorism and threat reduction at the National Security Council.
- On-the-record discussion with top PAOs: Confirmed speakers include Army Col. Steve Warren, Office of the Secretary of Defense; Rear Adm. Dawn Cutler, chief of Navy Information; Brig. Gen. Ronald Lewis, chief of Army Public Affairs; and Marine Corps Col. Dave Lapan, acting chief of Marine Corps Public Affairs.
- When Journalists are the Target: McClatchy reporter Jonathan Landay will talk about his recent experience reporting in Syria and new threats facing today’s combat reporters.
In addition, a special evening wine and cheese gathering will be on Thursday evening at Medill’s Washington, D.C. office along with several authors.
Special Bonus: Not to be missed is the War Correspondents Dinner at 8 p.m., Friday in the Old Ebbitt Grill. This has been an ongoing tradition with MRE co-founder Sig Christenson. For more information, contact Sig at saddamscribe@yahoo.com.
To register for the conference click here.