Military Reporters & Editors 2023 Holiday Happy Hour

Military Reporters & Editors would like to invite military and defense reporters, editors and communicators to a holiday happy hour on Thursday, Dec. 14 from 1830 to 2000 at Mattie & Eddie’s Irish Bar and Restaurant (the former Sine Irish Pub) at 1301 S. Joyce Street in Arlington, a stone’s throw away from the Pentagon. 

Military Reporters and Editors 2023 holiday happy hour MRE

While it was wonderful getting to see so many of you at our annual conference in October, it’s been over three years since MRE hosted its last just-for-fun happy hour, so come celebrate getting back together over a refreshing beverage and light fare and get to know what MRE will be up to in 2024 and come share with us what you’d like for us to do for you as members.

Not a member yet? We’ll have members and board members there to discuss membership perks, answer questions and, if you are so inclined, walk you through the easy application process.

MRE is a community of dedicated journalists committed to covering the military, national security, homeland defense, those who serve, have served and their families.

MRE members are deeply committed to the principles of journalism, always striving to bring unbiased stories accurate in fact and context to their audiences. They work tirelessly to break important news, uncover hidden truths, document realities and shine light on problems that need fixing. Our goal is to provide the public with what it needs to make informed decisions about our nation’s military efforts.

The happy hour is free to attend. Light appetizers (we promise they will be tastier than MREs) will be provided. Guests will be responsible for their own beverage purchases.  

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Please RSVP for head-counting purposes! Looking forward to seeing you there!