Membership Checkout

The Application Process

Please follow these directions.

Step 1: Complete the Account Information section

  • Create a unique username.
    • For the best security, we suggest it does not contain your first name, last name or email address.
  • Create a password.
    • Passwords should be at least 16 characters long and include upper and lower case letters and numbers and symbols like ! ” ? $ % ^ & )
  • Enter your email address.
    • Use the address you would like to register with the website.

Step 2: Complete the Membership Application section

  • Answer the questions.
    • Required questions are indicated with an asterisk.
  • Submit the application.
    • The form will not submit if there is an error. Be sure all required information is supplied and you have created a strong password using upper and lower case letters with numbers and symbols.

Step 3: Pay the application fee

  • Make a payment.
    • Secure payments are hosted and processed via Stripe.

Now What Happens?

As soon as you submit the completed application (Step 2) an account with Military Reporters & Editors is created for you with your chosen username and password.

This allows you to login and logout but your membership status is pending and access is limited.

With successful payment via Stripe (Step 3), your membership request is forwarded to MRE.

Your application will now go through the approval process. This process may take a few hours or a few days depending on your type of application. Once approved, you will have access to the members area on the website and qualify for membership benefits.

Be sure to check your spam/junk mail folder. Sometimes email from the website is diverted. If you have any questions or need to reach us, please contact us.

Renewal membership applications are reviewed each year. Please be sure to keep your information updated.

To avoid technical difficulties, please be sure to create a unique username and most importantly, a very strong password. It’s all for the benefit of keeping our community secure. Thank you!

Membership Information

You have selected the MRE Student Membership membership level.

Military Reporters and Editors MRE logoMRE Student Membership

STUDENT membership is $19/Year

Account Information

Already have an account? Log in here

MRE Student Membership Application

Please complete the membership application. This information will be shared with the MRE Board of Directors and the membership committee.

College email is required for our records.

Your phone number is for our records and not shared.
Enter in the format: (000) 000-0000

Enter anticipated date of graduation.

If graduate student, list your department.
If undergraduate student, list your major/minor/area of study.

In the format: city, state country
E.g. Philadelphia, PA United States

Where you live.
In the format: city, state country
This is for our records and is not shared.

Optional: Include any information you would like to add to your application here.

Details appear in the sections above “The Application Process” and “What Happens Now?”

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